
Black Gold 2011 Movie Online

Black Gold (2011)
Story Line: Black Gold is a action adventure drama and history movie. Set in the 1930s Arab states at the dawn of the oil boom, the story centers on a young Arab prince torn between allegiance to his conservative father and modern, liberal father-in-law. In the beginning of the Twentieth Century, in Arabia, Emir Nesib of Hobeika defeats Sultan Amar of Salma after years of war between their tribes and they make a peace treaty creating "The Yellow Belt", a large no man's land that would separate their lands and would not belong to neither of them. Further, Nesib demands the sons of Amar, Saleh and Auda, to be raised together with his children Tarik and Leyla by him in Hobeika as a guarantee of their agreement. Fifteen years later, representatives of the Texas Oil find oil in the Yellow Belt and the modern and liberal Emir Nesib sees the opportunity to improve and modernize the life of his tribe, building hospitals and schools, and the American Company begins the exploitation of the oil field, violating the peace pact. Nasib sends a representative to make an agreement with the fundamentalist Sultan Amar, but he does not accept the offer. Saleh decides to travel to Salma to talk to his father and kills his two companions. Starring Antonio Banderas (Desperado), Mark Strong (Zero Dark Thirty), Freida Pinto (Slumdog Millionaire) and Tahar Rahim (The Eagle), Day of the Falcon is a soaring epic of honor, greed, betrayal and love from award-winning director Jean-Jacques Annaud (Enemy at the Gates). After years of bloody conflict, the leaders of two rival kingdoms reluctantly agree to end the fighting. But when oil is discovered between their territories, the war is re-ignited. Now it is up to their children - young lovers who have married in hopes of bringing the families together - to find a way to end the violence and bring peace to the land.

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130 min - Action | Adventure | Drama | History - 1 March 2013 (UK)

Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud
Writers: Menno Meyjes (screenplay), Jean-Jacques Annaud
Stars: Mark Strong, Antonio Banderas, Freida Pinto

You should definitely enjoy Black Gold. Because of it's story and creature of character. And finalize the moderation of a meaningful thought. This is 100% family movie. This should be a fantastic movie.